If you are interested in sending your child to St Mary's Catholic Primary School, please get in touch with the school and arrange a walk around. We will be happy to help.
St Mary’s is a Catholic Voluntary Aided, Primary School in the Diocese of Portsmouth, principally serving the parishes of Gosport, Bridgemary, Stubbington and Lee-on-Solent. It is maintained by Hampshire County Council.
The school Published Admissions Number is 30.
The Local Authority (LA) operates a timetabled co-ordinated admissions procedure for all primary schools in line with Government legislation.
The LA will manage the process on behalf of the school according to the scheme which they will publish on the Hampshire County Council Website. However, it is still the Governing Body, as the Admission Authority for this school, who will allocate the available places in line with this policy.
The closing time/date for applications is midnight on 15th January 2024.
Late applications (i.e. those submitted after midnight on 15th January 2024 and before 16th April 2024) will, unless exceptional circumstances merit earlier consideration, only be considered after all on time applications have been fully processed.
The school’s Admissions Panel will notify the Hampshire County Admissions team of their decisions regarding applications. Decision letters for all on-time applications will be sent to parents by the County Council on 16th April 2024.
The Governors will admit up to the published admissions number (30) for the school. The Governors operate an equal preference admissions policy.
All applications need to be made on an Application for Year R form via www.hants.gov.uk/admissions. Parents can also request a paper copy from the school office. In addition to the application for year R form parents/carers applying under categories 1 to 6 (excluding 5) are asked to complete a separate supplementary information form. The additional information on this form assists governors in placing applications in the correct oversubscription criteria.
Over Subscribed Criteria
Should there be more applications than places available, the school governors will admit children according to the following category order:
Category 1 Catholic looked after and previously looked after children (see note 1)
Category 2 Other Catholic children
Category 3 Non Catholic looked after and previously looked after children
Category 4 Heritage Catholics (see note 2)
Category 5 Children of other Christian/Faith categories (see note 3, 3.1 & 3.2)
Category 6 Any other children
All applications will be considered under the relevant category in priority order. Should the number of applications exceed the number of vacancies in any of the above categories, applications will be considered in the following order:
A Siblings of children already on roll at the time of admission (including children living as siblings in the same family unit at the same address)
B Straight line distance will be used to prioritise applications;
applicants living nearer the school have priority
Hampshire County Council’s Geographic Information Systems
(GIS) will be used to determine distances. Distances to multiple
dwellings will give priority to the ground floor over the first floor
and so on
C In the unlikely event of the distance between two children’s homes and
the school being the same, random allocation will be used which will be
the supervised by the local authority
For the purpose of these admission arrangements a baptised Catholic means a person baptised in a church in communion with the See of Rome, or a person received into the Catholic Church.
The understanding of Catholic practice for the purpose of admission to schools in the Diocese of Portsmouth is “membership of the Catholic Church and attendance at Sunday Mass (this includes a Saturday evening Vigil Mass) and evidenced by a priest on the supplementary information form.
3.1 All members of Churches Together in England and of CYTUN are deemed to be
included in the above definition.
Applications for twins/multiple birth children
If the last pupil to be offered a place within the school’s published number is a multiple birth, further siblings may be admitted even though this might raise the intake number above the school’s PAN.
Parents whose children are refused admission to the school have the right of appeal. An information leaflet and Appeal Form are obtainable from the School Office and we would ask that a letter should be sent within 14 days of receipt of the LA’s letter of refusal to admit, to the Chair of Governors c/o St Mary’s School. The envelope should be marked on the outside ‘Private and Confidential’ and should also be marked with ‘Admissions Appeal’
If the school is unable to accept an application due to being over-subscribed, the child can be placed on a waiting list. The waiting list will be reviewed at the end of the school year and parents asked whether they wish their child’s name to remain on the list for the next school year. Parents are asked to confirm their decision in writing.
The waiting list is operated according to the admissions criteria (not according to the date on which the application was received), therefore every time a child is added the list will be ranked again in line with the published oversubscription criteria.
Completion of the SIF is not obligatory. Only those applying under categories 1 to 5 need to complete a SIF. If a SIF is not submitted, governors, will still consider the application. However, governors can then only rank the application on the basis of the information received. The additional information given on the SIF may determine the over-subscription category in which the child will be considered; if this information isn't received the child may be considered in Category 7.
Relevant documentation (as stated under each category) should accompany the application form:
Pupils born between 1 September 2017 and 31 August 2018 (inclusive) are entitled to full-time schooling from September 2022. Parents can request that their child’s admission is deferred until later in the year (usually at the start of a school term), but not beyond the point they reach compulsory school age, at the beginning of the term following their fifth birthday. Parents can request that their child attends part-time until the child reaches compulsory school age. Exceptionally, parents of children with birthdays between 1 April and 31 August 2018 (inclusive) may wish to defer admission until September 2023 and may request admission to Year R (see below).
Parents of gifted and talented children, or those who have experienced problems or missed part of a year, for example due to ill health, can seek places outside their normal age group.
Where the parents of a summer born child choose not to send that child to school until the September following their fifth birthday, they may request that they are admitted out of their normal age group – to Reception rather than Year 1. It is recommended that before deciding to decelerate a child’s admission, parents first contact the school. School staff will be able to explain the provision on offer to children in Year R, how it is tailored to meet the needs of summer born children and how those needs will continue to be met as the children move up through the school. If parents still wish to decelerate their child’s admission to school, they must seek approval from the school governors. Parents would be expected to state clearly in writing why they felt deferred admission to Year R was in their child’s best interests. Parents are also advised to make an application as part of the main admission round for the year group that their child would normally be admitted to school, until a decision on the request for deceleration has been reached.
More advice on summer born children can be found at http://www3.hants.govl.uk/ad-summerborn
Any parent can apply for a place for their child at any time to any school without the need for the Local Authority to coordinate in-year admissions.
In accordance with statutory regulations the Governing Body will admit:
Children of UK service personnel will normally be admitted to infant classes outside the normal admissions round as ‘excepted pupils’ even if the year group is full. However, total class number will not be allowed to increase above 31 in KS1 and 34 in KS2.
FAIR ACCESS PROTOCOLS – by the local authority
The local authority must ensure that all pupils are placed in school as quickly as possible. It may therefore sometimes be necessary for a pupil to be placed by the local authority, or a local placement panel acting on behalf of the authority, in a particular school even if there is a waiting list for admission. Such placements will be made in accordance with the provisions of the local authority’s In-Year Fair Access Protocol. The Protocol is based on legislation and government guidance.
Office use only
Ann’s Hill Road For Office Use Only
PO12 3NB
( 023 92583979
This is a supplementary form to help the Governors place your child correctly within the criteria of the school’s admission policy and to check that the school operates an ‘equal preference’ policy when we receive all applications by the deadline.
If application is being made for a place at the school for a Catholic child evidence of Catholic baptism or reception into the Church is required. A copy of a certificate of baptism or certificate of reception into full communion of the Catholic Church should be provided at the same time as this form is returned to the school. Electronic copies of certificates are accepted.
If application is being made for a place at the school as “Heritage Catholic” (see note 2) a copy of the parent(s) baptismal certificate should be provided at the same time this form is returned to school. Electronic copies of certificates are accepted.
If application is being made for a place at the school as a member of another Christian denominations or another faith a letter confirming membership of that Christian denomination or faith and signed by the appropriate minister of religion or faith leader, will be required. The letter should be provided at the same time as this form is returned to the school. electronic letters from faith leaders are accepted
Have you enclosed:
Application deadline: 15th January 2024
Hampshire County Council will send you an email (or a letter by 1st class post - paper applications only) on 16th April 2024, informing you of the outcome of your application.
You must complete the LA application form and if you are applying in categories 1-5 please also complete the St Mary’s Supplementary Information Form.
In compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018, we wish to ensure that you are aware of the purpose for which we collect and process the data we have asked you to provide on this form:
1. We are
St Mary’s Catholic Primary School, Ann’s Hill Road, Gosport, Hampshire, PO12 3NB
2. Being a Catholic education provider, we work closely with the School’s Diocesan Authority, the School’s Trustees, the Local Authority, the Catholic Education Service and the Department for Education, and may share the information you provide on this application form if we consider it is necessary in order to fulfil our functions.
3. The person responsible for data protection within our organisation is the school business manager and you can contact them with questions relating to our handling of the data. You can contact them by via the school office or adminoffice@st-marysrc-pri.hants.sch.uk
4. We require the information we have requested for reasons relating to our functions as the admission authority of the School.
5. It is necessary for us to process personal data for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the controller (Article 6(1)(e) of the GDPR).
6. To the extent that you have shared any special categories of data this will not be shared with any third parties except as detailed in paragraph 2 above, unless a legal obligation should arise.
7. It is necessary for us to process special category data for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the controller (Article 6(1)(e) of the GDPR). Additionally, processing is necessary for reasons of substantial public interest on the basis of Union or Member State law which is proportionate to the aim pursued and which contains appropriate safeguards (Article 9(2)(g) of the GDPR).
8. If the application is successful, the information you have provided on this form will be migrated to the School’s enrolment system, and the data will be retained and processed on the basis of the School’s fair processing notice and data protection policies which apply to that data.
9. If the application is unsuccessful, the application form and any documents submitted in support of the application will be destroyed after a period of 12 months. The school may keep a simple record of all applications and their outcome as part of their permanent archives in accordance with the School’s data retention policy.
10. To read about individual rights and/or to complain about how we have collected and processed the information you have provided on this form, you can make a complaint to our organisation by following the guidance in our Complaints Policy. If you are unhappy with how your complaint has been handles, you can contact the Information Commissioners Office via their website at: ico.org.uk.