
St Mary'sCatholic Primary School

‘Dat deus incrementum’

‘God gives us Growth’

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What else have we been up to?

- Faith council went to see the relics of St Bernadette

- NSPCC assembly

- The Gruffalo came to visit!

- Year 1 trip to the Gudwara

- Year 3 and Year 5 trip to the Hindu Temple

- Year 4 visited Southampton

- Year 6 trip to the Synagogue

- Imam visited Year 2 and Year 4

- Harvest mass with Fr Matthew

- Reception had Elmer Day

- Children in Need fundraiser

-Down Syndrome Awareness Day

- Year 3 Swimming

- Year 5 and Year 6 swimming

- Panto in school 

- Owl experience for year 1

AND so much more!

