
St Mary'sCatholic Primary School

‘Dat deus incrementum’

‘God gives us Growth’

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Service Club

Welcome to our Service Families Page

Here you will be able to find information about our Military Kids Club and events which we will be holding, as well as keeping you up to date with the latest news.



Support for Children who are from Service Families

Miss Creighton and Mrs Frain (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant) support our Service Families.  Should you need to contact her please book an appointment via the school office.



KIT (Keep In Touch) Club

Additionally, Mrs Frain and Miss Creighton host our weekly KIT on a Wednesday before school (8am-8.30am)

The aim is to provide the service children with a variety of nurture opportunities, based around having fun with their friends, through craft activities, project work, puzzles and games.

