
St Mary'sCatholic Primary School

‘Dat deus incrementum’

‘God gives us Growth’

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Key Information

There are 0 school employees who have a gross annual salary of £100,000 or more.

Pupil premium Funding

You may have heard Pupil Premium mentioned in the media. Under current government regulations all schools receive additional funding called Pupil Premium Allocation (PPA), which is calculated using the number of children eligible for Free School Meals (FSM). This includes children who have been registered as eligible in the last six years.


We achieve best value from this income, also providing additional support by putting in extra funds on top of this to ensure the provision is a success with a positive impact on learning for all children. We have set out below how this income is spent and its impact on raising standards. Our Key Priorities Using Pupil Premium Funding:

• To raise the attainment and progress of Pupil Premium children so that it compares favourably with that of non-Pupil Premium children.

• To develop a whole school approach to supporting Pupil Premium and other Vulnerable children to ensure that they are able to engage fully with all aspects of school life.


To enable this, we consistently focus on ensuring that all children benefit from outstanding teaching and learning. In addition, targeted intervention and support strategies are deployed in order to:

• Improve levels of attainment and progress and close attainment gaps.

• Enhance reading, writing, mathematics and Speech and Language skills.

• Provide social and emotional support to minimise barriers to learning.

We employ a trained Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA) who delivers targeted support to individuals and small groups.


Register online – if you think you qualify:

