Every week, we have a celebration assembly. We start by reflecting on our Catholic Social Teachings and how this can be applied in our school community. Every week we celebrate:
- those who have been going above and beyond through our weekly raffle
- star of the week
- Attendance
- Shout outs - an opportunity to say thank you or well done.
At St Mary's we teach the children how we expect them to behave in school. This includes how we conduct ourselves around the school, out of school and how we treat others and the school resources. To teach the routines and practise these behaviours allows every child to see and understand the expectations in school.
At the start of every term, we re-align to our core values - community, pride and joy - by thinking about how we see these around our school. We will also have lessons in the first week or so to practise the routines to make sure we are slick and no learning time is wasted when lining up or when transitioning in class.
You can find out more in our behaviour policy.