
St Mary'sCatholic Primary School

‘Dat deus incrementum’

‘God gives us Growth’

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Meet the Governors

Fr Matthew King - Foundation Governor

I'm a Catholic Priest of the Diocese of Portsmouth. I was born and raised in South Africa but emigrated to the UK in my early twenties with tall dreams of gaining riches and glory. Instead, I was ordained a priest. I do believe God Almighty has a divine sense of humour. Following my appointment as Priest in Charge of Gosport Parish in Sept 2022, I was delighted to also be appointed Foundation Governor at St Mary's Primary School.


Governor Category – Foundation

Term Start – 20.09.2022 Term End – 19.09.2026

Appointing Body – Portsmouth Diocese

Committee Membership –  Full Governoring Body, Admissions

Responsibility – 

Register of Business Interests – None

Attendance 2022/23 -  


Charlotte Pugh  – Foundation Governor

Awaiting Information


Governor Category – Foundation

Term Start – 21.10.2022 Term End – 20.10.2026

Appointing Body – Portsmouth Diocese

Committee Membership –  Full Governoring Body

Responsibility – Chair 

Register of Business Interests – None

Attendance 2022/23 -  


Stephen Vernon - Foundation Governor

I have been an active member of the local Catholic community for 8 years now and currently work for the Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth as a Parish Support Officer.

I wanted to be a school governor because I believe in the importance of education and the impact it has on children's lives. As a governor, I can contribute to the development of the school's policies and ensure that the students receive the best possible education. It is also an opportunity to work with other dedicated individuals who share the same passion for education. Being a governor is a challenging role, but I am committed to making a positive difference in the lives of the students and the school community.


Governor Category – Foundation

Term Start – 21.10.2022 Term End – 20.10.2026

Appointing Body – Portsmouth Diocese

Committee Membership –  Full  Governing Body

Responsibility – 

Register of Business Interests – None

Attendance 2022/23-  Not in post


Patrick O'Gorman - Foundation Governor

I have been a Foundation Governor since my appointment by the Diocese in May of 2019. Upon completion of my apprenticeship in 2002, I spent 16 years as a Systems Engineer for BAE Systems, working on military sensor equipment. After leaving BAE I moved into a teaching role for Babcock Marine, where for the last few years I have been teaching the principles of Sonar to military personal, teaching equipment maintenance, and assessing students on their foundation degree courses. I have a First Class Honours Degree in Electronic Engineering from Solent University. 


I believe every individual should be given the opportunity to learn and excel as they grow older and move through life, and it is the underpinning knowledge gained at primary level that allows this to happen. Thus ensuring the best preparation to the futures of all the students.


I have three daughters, who have all left St. Mary’s, and my youngest is in her first year of Senior School, and my eldest is at college. My family and I are also active members of our local parish, St Mary’s Church in Gosport.


Governor Category – Foundation Governor

Term Start – 17/5/2023 Term End – 16/5/2027

Appointing Body – Portsmouth Diocese

Committee Membership – Full Governing Body & Resources

Responsibility - Health & Safety, Staff Wellbeing

Register of Business Interests – None

Attendance 2022/23 – 


Vacancy - Foundation Governor

Vacancy - Foundation Governor

Vacancy - Local Authority


Kathleen Jones - Foundation Governor

Awaiting information.


Governor Category – Foundation Governor

Term Start – 05/03/2021 Term End – 04/03/2025

Appointing Body – Portsmouth Diocese

Committee Membership – Full Governing Body

Responsibility -

Register of Business Interests – None

Attendance 2022/23 - 


Nicky Wood - Parent Governor

I am new to governance but will endeavor to do my best for our children at St Mary's. I value the work and support the school provide to our community and wanted to join them to help make a difference to the education and environment for our young people.


I have 3 children at St Mary's, one of my children has SEND and I want to give something back to the school for all the support my child has received.


Governor Category – Parent

Term Start – 20.09.2023 Term End – 19.09.2027

Governor Category – Parent

Appointing Body – Parent

Committee Membership – Resources 

Responsibility – 

Register of Business Interests – None

Attendance 2023/24 of 


Alex Cartwright Parent Governor

Governor Category – Parent

Term Start – 19/03/2024 Term End  18/03/2028

Appointing Body – Parents

Committee Membership – Full Governing Body

Responsibility – None

Register of Business Interests – None


Lauren O'Connor - Headteacher

I am the Headteacher at St Mary’s Catholic Primary School since September 2019. I have come from a Southampton school with high levels of English as an additional language and the challenges of an inner-city school. I am passionate about school improvement and ensuring all pupils are prepared for their next steps in education. I studied at Winchester University for the BA (Hons) in Primary Education with a specialist in Special Educational Needs and I am currently on the Future Leaders Programme (Cohort 2018).


I worship at St Joseph’s Catholic Church, which is part of the Southampton City parish. I live in Southampton, with my husband and two young daughters. I am blessed to have a very supportive and understanding family who enable me to fulfil my passion in Education as a Headteacher.


Governor Category – Staff

Term Start – 01.09.2019 Term End  ongoing

Appointing Body – Governing Body

Committee Membership – Full Governing Body, Curriculum, Resources, Data, Admissions

Responsibility – None

Register of Business Interests – None

Attendance 2022/23 - 13 of 13


Elizabeth Speirs- Staff Governor

Having worked at St Mary’s for four years, I have seen the incredible journey that the school has been on. Since gaining my degree in psychology and education, I have enjoyed working with children. I have worked in different schools which has given me experiences across the key stages. I am currently teaching in key stage one. I am looking forward to working with the governors over the next four years.


Governor Category – Staff

Term Start – 21.07.2024 Term End – 20.07.2028

Appointing Body – Staff

Committee Membership –  Full Governoring Body, Curriculum Committee

Responsibility – None

Register of Business Interests – None

2022/23 -  Not on the governing body



Being a governor - what's involved?
Being a governor can be hard work and means attending meetings and reading the paperwork. It is, however, a valuable way of serving the local community and gives an opportunity for people to influence the future of education in their area.
Governing bodies have to meet at least once each term, but much of the work of governing bodies is delegated to committees. All governors are expected to participate in the work of at least one or two committees. Most statutory termly meetings are held during the evening, but committees may meet either in the evening or daytime.
It is important to get to know the school by visiting it and supporting events. It is equally important to support training sessions, which may be arranged for either individual governors or whole governing bodies.
Most governors serve for four years, and many continue for a second or even third term by being re-appointed or re-elected.
If you wish to know more or are interested in becoming a governor, please contact our the School Office on 023 92583979.

