
St Mary'sCatholic Primary School

‘Dat deus incrementum’

‘God gives us Growth’

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Welcome to St Mary’s and thank you for taking the time to find out more about us and our school.



Welcome to St Mary’s!

I am Mrs Ternan and I am the Headteacher at this wonderful school. St Mary’s is an exciting place to be both as a pupil and as a teacher. The school has recently been accredited as a Centre of Excellence for Oracy and we are incredibly proud of this achievement. We have also been graded as a GOOD school with both Ofsted and the Portsmouth Diocese. All of our reports can be found on the website if you would like to know more.


As a Catholic school, our overall goal is to fulfil the Church’s mission in education by ensuring we provide the highest level of academic achievement in a moral and spiritual framework. We aim to do this by:

  • Having an ambitious curriculum and high expectations of all pupils.
  • Have a welcoming community approach for all families
  • Each individual has the support to flourish and achieve as a member of the Catholic community and within the wider world.

St Mary’s is a warm and welcoming Catholic school with community, pride and joy as the core values. The school is one form entry which means each year group consists of one class. Being a smaller school means the staff know every child by name and there is a strong sense of community and belonging. 


St Mary’s is a fully inclusive school and we value each child as an individual. We teach children how to behave in the school and we set high expectations for all pupils to ensure the behaviour is excellent at all times. This is fundamental to ensuring teaching and learning is at its highest standard across the school.  

If you would like to come and visit the school, please give us a call and we would happily give you a tour and answer any questions you may have. As you walk around the school you will see polite and welcoming pupils, teachers passionate about learning and a calm, happy atmosphere. 



We look forward to welcoming you! 


Warm wishes, 

Mrs Ternan



For every child to flourish and achieve great things.



